Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

Early this attitude shows the Private Men

Characters: Active and Aggressive
Early this attitude: Put a little relaxed and light in the front seat
Have the resolution and have the willpower. Are never easy to despair, realistic mind, always active and aggressive. Developing countries, he was always busy looking for because I like silence. Usually typical guy like this is very suitable in the field of marketing or marketing.

Characters: It was understood Difficult
Early this attitude: Put a little in the chair with legs open
Shows that this guy happy chum, many friends, likes to help people who are troubled. He is very easy but it is difficult to be understood ideas. Sometimes he can be very good and sympathetic hearts. But at other times, he can become a very personal and hard njengkelin.

Characters: Creative and wasteful
Early this attitude: Put the right foot intersect at the top of the left foot
No one who is always considering the views of the people around him. Are easy to tense, sensitive, and extravagant. Their lives tend to always bustling and varied. In the job, this guy is very creative. If the objective is a stable and profitable, he will persevere with to fight in their thorough investigation and successful.

Characters: Learning How
Early this attitude: Put your left foot intersect with the right foot
Broad knowledge. Always careful, thorough, and steady. All things good and useful will be resolved properly. He was also happy to receive criticism and suggestions from other people more experienced. In the field of work or business, he always tries to be creative to create something new.

Characters: Why Can Own
Early this attitude: Put a single second knee
Somewhat slower, less vibrant, and passive, so that financially weak. Ideals and one's lot, and indeed high, but realistic much to do and too much driving. Often rely on the support of the nearest person and not like the atmosphere of quiet. They prefer an atmosphere full of laughter and loud.

Characters: Play Safe
Early this attitude: "Day by The second leg
The priority is security. What is always done with very carefully. Very clever set the time and find the right opportunity for profit in any case. But with the right way, not underhanded way.
Characters: Hard to rebel
Early this attitude: "Day by the position change
Which tend to have unstable emotionally. They always feel that much of it in line with the desire or one's. Unfortunately, this type of guy I empowered to reject or protest. Usually only bury their indignation and regret in the heart. As a result, fidget so often.

So it was some of the characters are reviewed from a guy sitting attitude, but this is not a reference that because every person has a nature different. To better identify your character guy, which is more appropriate to identify a closer and more in-depth character guy you. How? Perform communication Open-intensive and positive.

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