Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

According to the Zodiac characters Up


Stone Births: Hung

You like that: People are sincere, freedom, rush, spoof and laugh to film eerie (sometimes).

You do not like: Gossip, colleagues who readily changed mood, deemed frivolous, and you really hate the lie.

The ability of your best: Leads groups, encourage yourself to the limit, and make complex decisions.

You are in

You are sensitive and gentle, with great desire to live and love. You dream to have a group of friends, the environment is pleasant and relaxing holiday full of adventure wild.

Your Career

Choose a job in the publishing world, entertainment, or dakilah stairs to the top leadership. Wherever your duty to handle the project interesting and challenging.


Tight clothes with light colors (especially red) will see the beautiful in yourself - as well as sporty clothes or any ngetrend again. Dressed kecewekan the company and will not be suitable for your style.

As a friend

Type the friendly and focus, you want all the people happy. You do not hold with a jujuran or people who discuss your behind you, and you are not ashamed mengkonfrontasi them if you like them to discuss it.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You lead the relationship, tempt you with a steady surge osculation full and sometimes squeeze your buttocks with a boyfriend secretly. If you want it, then he will reply with a hot date and various prizes.

If you've Aries

It's not always' no ', so sometimes leave it free and make-puralah that at the time that he indeed free. Die with him said that he was intelligent, powerful, and interesting, and it will take all the praise it. But be careful with the expression of emotion, it will be very angry if egregious. Be quiet until he took freeze and wait until he apologize. Certainly he is going wrong?


Births Stone: Emerald

You like

Good food, clothing luxury, massage, nature, and digelitik (with soft)

You do not like?

Belel jeans, who like force, frenzied music, and on time.

The ability of your best

Creating something beautiful from the unimportant things - such as cooking, art, or gardening

You are in

You need to know that many people like you and they need to show a sense like that. You are not the ostentatious, but you like your note and happy praised. Secretly clever, clever, you make money.

Your Career

Think about the money, nature and beauty. Choose between a banker, art, akutansi, music, and gardening


You are more interested in comfort than appearance shows supermodel. You enjoy clothes shopping, but tidaks like a lot of money to lavish spending. You love beautiful clothes and shoes is imperative for you. Although you want to appear attractive, but you do not like the clothes you attract attention. You like clothes with simple pieces, and not too tight with a soft cloth, the nuances and natural.

As a friend

As a friend and a loyal, close friend you can always depend on you when things become heavy. Balky extraordinary, you will be hard apologize, but you will always strive to maintain the relationship. And you never forget birthdays friend.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You need a romantic atmosphere, such as fish need water. Good food, warm hug, and gunungan interest rates will make you melt. Loyal and understanding, you will expect your boyfriend is also true. If it though, the immediate danger menantinya.

If you've Cancer?

You always try to appear interesting to date. This type has a good style and always respect your business to do it all. Do not hurry, he enjoys the time smooch, eat, or just chat. Patient, or you will make him afraid. No Bull is always slow, but they were feasible.


Stone Births: Pearl stone or months.

You like

Percapakan interesting, the film incompetent, tourism to a new place and meet new people, and become the first people queuing to get the CD or the latest fashion trends.

You do not like

Kick-order, are forbidden to do something, and people who sit by you during the long hours without saying anything.

The ability of your best

Set the party, have brilliant ideas for various projects, and to do six jobs at once (busy)

You are in

As you try to find a place, adventure or attract new people to stimulate your brain that never rest. You want to be involved with anything, and hate left alone.

Your Career

Think to have a career in the field of computer technology director, or suntiklah adrenalin in you to be in the circus, for example.


In this case, as with any other case, you love ekstrimitas. One time, you will be to the city with the origin of clothes, or sometimes you will preen limitless. Yellow is the color of your situation but you appear attractive with bright colors. You really do not choose shoes clever, but because you are accustomed stride quickly, you may be more like shoes that are not too many styles.

As a friend

You are very enjoyable. Many people love your sense of humor and conversations that are colored laughter. You always want to try something new, you are a source of hilarity in the party, and your colleagues think you always exceptional.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You are easily bored, then you better guy who likes to give surprises. Smart and intelligent, you will immediately reject those who are not mentally capable rival magnets you, but be careful with your sharp tongue and learn to wait. Not all people secerdas you!

If you've Cancer

Learn to think independently. He likes to play word with you, so you should have to respond every time. Although not too focused on physical, but he still is the people who make and surrounded girl. So do not be ashamed to sell expensive. He will immediately grasp the challenge is


Stone birth: Mirah Pomegranates

You like

Spend time at home, the family gathered together, create a pizza with friends, and listening to soft music.

You do not like

Film hard, people shout at you, and been the person you loved.

The ability of your best

Praise other people, become better listeners, and become a trusted colleague and loyal

You are in

You want more of everything tranquility. House is important for you and your family if there permasahalan, you will be easy to despair.

Your Career

Being a musician, journalist, dekorator interior, or the chef.


Cancer people tend to have a taste simple: loose-fitting clothing with natural fabrics and dark colors. You love clothes that are not occupied, but it does not mean you do not like to make it appear glamor, especially when the mood you are fit.

As a friend

You are a gentle people who may be very posesif to your friends. If someone makes you disappointed, you may spend a media-day. But if you feel secure, then your personal cheap day will soon take over, and your friends will be completely spoiled.

As a boyfriend (girl)

Your sensitive and easy to change mood, then you will enjoy very tempting to kiss and make you happy. You simply closed, and you often embarrassed the first time to express your feelings, but once you successfully di'panas'kan, the guy you will know everything about you.

If you've Cancer

Hait-hearted. He has a heart of the ultra-gentle breeze broken. It is not the type who likes berpetualangan What, he enjoyed time with you and will be a little stick on you when you want to own adventure.


Stone birth: Onyx stars.

You like

Bright colors, roar, and become the center of attention.

You do not like

That night, forbidden-Disallow do something, and dicueki

The ability of your best

Understand your best side at parties and the stage, motivated people when they feel bored and become the first volunteers in the dangerous mission.

You are in

You need to be valued above all your work. Very helpful, although you also tend to be arrogant, you will do anything for them that you like, during their hose with your attention and thanks.

Your Career

Film director, architect, photographer, and sports administratur


You like clothes, but more likely to mix the goods that you have with the new goods. This is what sometimes makes you see the 'special' but you do not care about this, although sometimes people staring up. You are interested in all of the. You may appear conservative if needed, but ideally you look a little like 'brilliant'

As a friend

Your natural leader. Your friends gather around you as you absorb energy moth attracted to the flame. Be careful with your big head, there are people who do not like egomania. Tonjolkan the magnanimous you, and remember, always morgue appear before the fall.

As a boyfriend (girl)

Smart, tough, challenging and, kemanapun you go, people will notice you. Like flowers that never wilt, you are very fervent and faithful in mourning, but you expect your guy you idolize. You demand attention and may be very sudden media, spend a day if you feel less attention.

If you've Leo

Exercise careful, this person is very hot! Arrogant, but confident, it will make you float like a daughter. Tell him how much he means to you, then he will 'snore like fat cats'. If you forget something, then he will 'mencakari all the furniture because you angry. No Leo believes that he is king.


Stone birth: Saffir

You like:

Noting the details, solve complex problems and finish the job on time.

What you do not like:

People who loose and shiftless, a conversation that was mean and friends who can not decide where they will go to drink coffee.

Keampuan your best:

Set the project, meet deadlines, and stay clear of problems' look forward 'when all the confusion

You are in

You hope that the world is governed by the Aquarius, because, if this happens, there will be no long queue at the mall and there will be no computer crashes. Disruption confusing you.

Your Career

Attention to detail is your ability, then you will be great if antropologis, police, secret agents or magazine editors.


You like to appear trendy, but you will not wear clothes that you know you do not deserve to. You like to appear neat and clean - even if you sesembrono may appear, you will be baggy jeans tersetrika neat! You enjoy a very simple clothes, but sometimes also appear in the clothing and lace-berenda complex.

As a friend

You people are good, like help, but have a hand like spicy criticize. You choose friends carefully and prefer quality over quantity. Try not to judge your colleagues too hard. Not all people sebersih, and serapih you.

As a boyfriend (girl)

Forget the card that makes people cry, also Teddy dolls. Aquarius explorer tend to be practical, honest, and expect high standards from their guy. You always strive to maintain the relationship, because you do not believe in failure, then he is very lucky to get someone who is so dedicated, such as in your side.

If you've Leo

Do not play emotional games with him, you sebagaimanapun bored. He prefers to use otaknya, not the heart, to resolve the problems of the relationship, then berusalah always honest and clear about what you want from it. He also expect the same from you, not too sharp, and do not kink.


Stone Births: Opal or aquamarine

You like

Beautiful ornaments, toys farcical, romantic atmosphere and glowing candles.

You do not like

Games computer hardware, wrestling, fashion years ago, and alone

The ability of your best

Resolving problems between friends, always try to see both sides of the story, and is among friends and beautiful things.

You are in

You want to find your life partner. Who will make you float and ride horses along with the sunset. Love and relationship is very meaningful to you.

Your Career

In accordance with your personal use, choose animal medicine, teaching, or treatment.


You like clothes that undeniably sexy and feminine. You like clothes that berenda and blossomed, but you will not be wearing clothes that are not fashion. You appear beautiful in various colors, from red to bright colors soft pastel. You love jewelry that is different. You will never be like tiara!

As a friend

You will try as far as possible to avoid squabbling, and is hated outbreak of friendship. Your friend that you find interesting people and objectives, but they will be frustrating when you can not decide. But most people accept you as a good and reliable.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You like mejadi part of the pair, and will try to keep the relationship quiet and comfortable stay. You are the fracas, so you will tend to avoid problems, and tended to solve them. You people are happy when they see the beautiful, and you will cry if they do not.

If you've Scales

You can expect that it will be a good listener, but gave him the opportunity to reveal what he think. No Scales tend difficulty making decisions difficult, the mood Learn how to recognize it and you earn that determines tempt about dating, and others. He will immediately genuflect if you careful to protect it.


Stone Births: Topaz.

You like

Mystery novel, dinner in the candlelight, and know the affairs of others.

You do not like

People who hold you, you reveal the secret terdalam, and asked questions that shameful.

The ability of your best

Finding out what the other people, raise yourself when you fall, and challenging yourself to try new things.

You are in

You find the secret to enjoy the world around you and you will strive to succeed your life. You want to reach the peak and you usually succeed

Your Career

Personality out of 'drama queen' with the actors, hotel managers, restaurant owners or PR.


Under the influence of Pluto, planet of transformation, you like to change the image of yourself as often as possible. You tend to prefer casual clothes are comfortable, but you are more attracted to the variety of strict and flexible than sedkikit baggy appearance. The image of your overall is smart, and elegant, smart, and you tend to create all that you see the original use

As a friend

You really live, friends who enjoy a fun-depth conversation and gossip. Your colleagues will know immediately that you discuss in your back is prohibited. You hope your friends for your loyal and will stimulate them with your tongue if you make them disappointed.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You are a teaser section, radiating charm and intelligence. You've stuck by magnets you, but they will feel that you are closed and posesif. You will be jealous if it was extraordinary to see other people, and will without a doubt, if he decided he was not faithful.

If you've Leo

This guy tends to be slightly mysterious and very good play to test your loyalty. He wants to disrupt the search for what you and know exactly how me'nekan key 'you. Let it have fun, but be sure to say to him if he is too far.


Birth stone: Turquoise or coated lazuli.

You like

Travel to foreign countries, watch a comedy and learn new things is high risk, such as bungee jumping or diving

You do not like

Routine life, living in the same city throughout your life, watching movies that play, and the food boring.

The ability of your best

Terms for people to overcome their fear, won the fracas and smile when you are in the person of a certain kind of face glum.

You are in

Your soul is full of desire rover adventure and travel. Wherever you are, there will always be other places you want to visit even if only for day-to-two days. You hate 'internet'

Your Career

Ski instructors, sports journalists, personnel managers, lawyers, or social workers.


In this case, you always change, you can Dangos with muddy clothes, dressing in old sweater full of brown spots and shorts ancient; minutes and will next appear with persta clothing, complete with fur scarf and jewelry berkilauan. In general, you prefer a casual look, because you prefer the convenience

As a friend

You be honest and say what is Andatanpa The fear-fear. People like your personality you a simple, and often you will find when they need friends to have fun and adventure. You are not interested bergosip and will be angry if the only things that appear as a topic of conversation.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You always full of laughter, tempt you with a guy you will be thirsty adventure. He will appreciate the personality of your return to the tee and intentions. As a friend of fun, you are not too demanding and enjoy a simple relationship.

If you've Sagitarius

A love adventure and tend to sombing, he likes the move and you want to involved in the journey. Santailah, and just enjoy the adventure with this sweet character. He was often restless, then usahakanlah to see and do new things instead of just silence on the sofa every night.


Stone Births: GAMET.

You like

Have a clear goal and achieving it, calm the situation and reach a mess of fame and success through hard work.

You do not like

Lazy people who avoid responsibility, idle during the final week, and forced mnegubah plan at the last minute.

The ability of your best

Find what is best from yourself and pursue your dreams acquiescence.

You are in

You have to trust the plan and will work until dawn to achieve what you want. You can not understand people who do not have any plans. "How can they have fun if they do not know what they want?"

Your Career

Working hard is your nature, then consider a job such as teaching, horticulturalists, architecture, and banking.


You show an extraordinary clothes neatly. Clothing sexi access, will also see the match for you. Likewise shoe or boot that sheen

As a friend

You need time to establish a strong first. Calm and can be trusted, your friends admire you because you dare talent in the work and life in general. A good organizational, your friend will feel happy when you are around when the atmosphere becomes unruly.

As a boyfriend (girl)

Working without stopping is the only thing that prevents you get your love. You take life too seriously. Force yourself to relax with your boyfriend, and he will know that your actual figure is sweet and full understanding. Vacation together will also tighten ties you both.

If you've Cancer

Do not ever impede destinations. He knows where he stepped and will bring with you if you allow it to do their jobs. Help reach mimpiya will also make you more disayanginya. And it will also encourage you to do the best from yourself.


Birth stone: Amethyst.

You like:

Against the rules, distributing new ideas and try various new hair style that 'mad'

You do not like:

Trapped in the routines, animal torture, and pollution on the planet.

The ability of your best

Find new things and looking for brilliant ideas to create a better world

You are in

You are very concerned about the planet you and all the people inside. Your biggest desire is to fight poverty, war and pollution. If other people can do, then Andapun can.

Your Career

Inventor, TV journalists, refleksologis, and computer experts.


You are an individual, but the style. You like ethnic clothes and love bright colors (especially blue and torquise). You often wear bright colors, so that the people you laugh, but several weeks later, they imitate you.

As a friend

You will cross the fire and swallowed frog legs to your friends. Being a good friend who is the best of your ability, and although they are less easy to think you angry, they love you because you are very sweet and most personal in this planet.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You want a guy as a close friend, so you will find someone who can always clever and also kissed. Freedom is important to you, a guy who always or always want to stick to the attention full 24 hours will not be long associated with you.

If you've Taurus?

No these will be very concerned about the environment, the poor, and the world. He's a good, slightly incompetent, then do not expect you will receive a full kiss romance.


Stone birth: Mirah blood

You like:

Soap opera, a beautiful sunset, fireplace, and a warm celebration such as Christmas

You do not like:

Cuss oath, and armpit odor, and the people around you berjingkrakan.

The ability of your best:

Making a decision with the voice of your heart, not your head, and captures the negative vibrations, you enter a room

You are in:

You are a thought, not the planners. The world will be perfect if you other people who handle the details and your left sitting under a tree, write a book or something else.

Your Career

Curator of art, landscaping designers, translators or writers.


You have the ability to cause any clothes sejelek will see cool if you wear. You can sometimes appear belel because your ability is. Clothing that is loose and wave your favorites.

As a friend

Sometimes you lose in your own thoughts, which sometimes make you frustrated, but you have a friend such as personality, the easy and friendly. You are not like the ship, you prefer terhanyut flow and no objections to the plan to change in accordance with your colleagues.

As a boyfriend (girl)

You thought and romantic. Living in your own little world, like you've stared your eyes without saying anything. Selembut like butter, you'll love the guy that you feel sentimental causeway that Andaa very interesting.

If you've Fishes
Sesosok like giant soft, this type of guy you see the artistic and creative as the inspiration for himself. Do not be surprised if suddenly he poetry, computer games, movies or tree for you. He will hose you with sweet words and embrace, and truly believe that you cantiknya daughter.

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