Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008

Where mole !!!!!!

Community in the days before mengenalseseorang see signs in the
badannya.Diturunkan here inkling about the mole. Extent
one is. However, it is normal
taught in the increase

Body parts

lip on the right
many gifts, clever

lip on the left
many friends, good heart

lips right down
respected people, many contentious

down the left lip
eloquent, not easy to lose

right neck
intelligent, honest, brave suffering

left neck
smart in all things and a lot of knowledge

neck in the middle
reached ideals

eyeball right
and fibster like unfaithful

left eyeball
liar, but good-hearted

the end of the right eye
good-hearted, polite, intelligent

the end of the left eye
gracious, inexpensive gifts

back right
rather experienced difficulties

Left back
lazy and like to sit

right calf
like relatives, spendthrift

left calf
diligent, not unemployed

right knee
do not care and want to try

lutt left
less strong attempt

the head of the right
its ideals

the head of the left
often find it cares

the back of the head
honest, patient and persevering

right eyebrow
intelligent and capable

left eyebrow
smart, polite

middle brow
hard-hearted, dare all

the end of the right mouth
small gifts, not easy to lose

left end of the mouth
berpoya-like poya

right armpit
can keep secret

left armpit
honest, a lot of love

circle right foot
like travel (out)

circle left foot
strong volition

stem nose
and many beloved people can become rich

on the nose
many gifts

chin down right
honest and good-hearted

chin down the left
there wise and virtuous

genitalia right or left
well, like coitus

at the head of genitalia (male)
2 burners beristeri

right heel
honest and many friends

left heel

right eyebrow
benevolent, good-hearted

left eyebrow
many are like

peha base of the right
upgrade strong

peha base of the left
like any workplace

right foot
not easy to complain

right toe

left toe
toned, like good

right shoulder
careful in making decisions, many dependents

left shoulder
like hard work, many responsibilities

right breast
good-hearted, demure, keep secret

left breast
many friends, loyal partner in the

right arm
loyal and obedient to superiors

left arm
promise and diligent

right cheek
many friends

middle right cheek
many contentious

middle of the left cheek
many friends

less honest

clever, dexterous, industrious

center right
prosperous life in the

the center left
get kemliaan

waist right
my partner in life

left waist
disaster partner

right chest
can overcome the problem

left chest
brave, honest and patient

right foot
not easy to complain

left foot
gracious pekertinya

angle right hand
want to have a strong property

angle left hand
good-hearted, benevolent

finger right hand
permissive obtain profits

finger left hand
why work

the right hand finger
but many lavish gifts

the left hand finger
many gifts and carefully

right down the stomach
many gifts, like giving sorry

the stomach below the left
good-hearted, quiet life

in the right corner of the eye
disaster husband or wife

angle in the left eye
is not easily forgotten pair

right corner of the eye outside
gracious, I love public

the left temple
cheap gifts, one can be rich

right temple
completely successful in business

on the right eyelid
neighborly, friendly, successful

on the left eyelid
gracious, many contentious

bottom right eyelid
rather lazy
left eyelid down

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