Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

Exercise destroyer

1. Mix with many circles

Association is necessary, but not the origin of associative and many friends. A crowd that will cause problems. Friends who ingravescent will fill the heart, weaken and eliminate a sense of conscience, will make the soluble in their desire to meet various negative.

In truth riel, we often witness who destroyed their lives and live the celestial crowd. Usually put out this kind, because the motivation for bergaulnya world. And indeed, more human destruction caused by a fellow human being. Therefore, later in the Hereafter, many regret that because of a heavy truck.

He said:

"And (remember) the day (when) the zhalim takes two hands and said, 'Oh (first) I had to take the road along the messenger. Besarlah for the accident, I had (previously) did not make it so fulan friend (I). He led me from it when it has come to me. "(Al-Furqan: 27-29).

"Friends on that day partly an enemy for another, except those who are cautious." (Az-Zukhruf: 67).

"Indeed idols that you worship other than God is to create feelings of love between you in the life of this world, and Calamity in the day some of you flinch some (other) and some of you has some (other), and where return is Hell, and never there for the helper. "(Al-Ankabut: 25).

This is based on the association by the same secular purpose. They love each other and help each other if there is a worldly desired results. If the interest is gone, then it will be the first birth grief and sorrow, love changed to hate each other and melaknat. Therefore, in interacting, making friends and gathering should be the size used is good. A higher degree of motivation, if the first is to get love and Rida Allah.

2. Soluble in reverie empty

Delusion blank is not be bordered by the ocean. It is a sea of berlayarnya where people go bankrupt. Even said, is the notion of capital bankrupt people. Waves chimera continue mengombang-ambingkannya, hallucination, delusion mempermainkannya always lie. Like a dog that is dead hoax. Delusion blank is a habit people forever stunted and low.

Each accordance with the diangankannya. There are things that mengangan become king or queen, who want to circumnavigate the world, there is a wish to obtain wealth melim-Pah, or the beautiful wife of chic. But it's only pure illusion.
The people who have high ideals and noble, the factory that was converted is about the science, faith and charity shalih who listens to God himself. And this is a laudable aspiration. The delusion blank, he is monkeyshines studios. I praise the Prophet who aspire to the good.

3. Depending on the addition of Allah

This is the biggest destroyer hearts. Not that there is something more dangerous from the dependent and was meeting other than God. If someone was meeting other than Allah, Allah will give business people to something that it depends on him. He will, and make perbuatannya vain. He will not get anything from God, not from the creatures that depend on it to him.

He said, that means:

"And they have taken gods besides Allah, so that the gods become a patron for them. Nay, soon they (gods) will deny the worship (the follower-followers) against him, and they (gods) will become enemies for them. "(Mary: 81-82)

"They take the gods other than Allah, so that they get help. Idols that can not help them, the idols of the soldiers is to be prepared to maintain them. "(Yasin: 74-75)

But the most contemptible person is dependent, other than God. He was like a shelter from the heat and rain under house spider. And a house spider is home to the most weak and fragile.

More than that, in general, the origin and syirik base is built on dependence to other than Allah. People who do so is contemptible and dishonorable people. He said, means: "Do not forged the god other than Allah, so that you do not become deformed and not left (God)." (Al-Isra ': 22)

Sometimes the situation of people downtrodden, but commendable, as they are forced to motor functioning. Some of the more despicable, but win, as they are in power in falsehood. As laudable and win, as they are in power and in truth. The people who depend on other than God (idolaters), so he situation to get the worst of the four human condition, namely, not commendable and that there is no help.

4. Food

Food destroyer, two kinds.

First, because the damage dzat / material, and it is divided into two types. To the right as God, such as carcasses, blood, dogs, wild animals and birds that bertaring the berkuku sharply. Second, because the rights to the servants, such as pilferage, loot and something that is taken without the agreement the owner, either because of force, shame or fear offended.

Second, because the damage exceeded the size and takarannya. Such as excessive in terms of the lawful, satiety exceedingly limit. For that make them lazy to obedience, continually busy with the affairs of the stomach to meet air nafsunya. If the glut, he felt heavy and therefore it is easy to command the devil. Satan into the man himself through the blood stream. Fasting restrict the flow of blood and clog the way for the devil. While the glut of blood flow to expand and make the devil like any previous live-long. Probably a lot of eating and drinking, will be much sleep and many losers.

In a word mentioned distinguished:

"It is not a child of Adam meets a vessel worse than meet the stomach (with food and beverages). Sufficient for the children of Adam bribe some (food) that can enforce the bones rusuknya. If you need to be done, then the third for food, for the third minumannya and again for the third-winded. "(HR. At-Tirmidzi, and Ahmad Hakim, dishahihkan by Al-Albanian).

5. Most sleep

Many sleep off the heart, tire body, to spend time and make sure and lazy. In between sleeping is a very doghouse, is dangerous and is not useful. While sleeping, which is most useful when sleep is needed.

Immediately sleep at night is better than sleep when they have been late. Sleeping in the middle of the day (siesta) is better than sleep in the morning or afternoon. Even sleeping in the afternoon and morning more than madharatnya benefits.

Among the doghouse to sleep is to sleep between prayer Shubuh with sun. For the time he is a very strategic. Therefore, although experts have worship throughout the night to spend the worship, they would not sleep at a time until sunrise. For the time is the early afternoon and the door, when lowered and divided bagikannya-talk, while allowing blessed. So it is time that is very strategic and determine the future afterwards. Therefore, sleeping at the time because it should really very forced.

In general, when sleep is the most appropriate and useful is in the middle of the first night, and on seperenam the end of the night, or about eight hours. And it is a good sleep, according to the doctor. If more or less of it will affect the good habits. Including sleep that sleep is not helpful in the early evening, after the sinking sun. Including sleep and that he be the messenger Shallallahu 'margin-bottom: Written.

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