Senin, 17 November 2008

It was Delicious Rice

After people have overrun the city of Bandung Jakarta during the long holiday 4-day agenda. Tahpapa that they find in Bandung, the city and cause shortness stuck everywhere.

Persons Bandung, Jakarta attack because of two things: shopping and eating. Now, the question is, Bandung, the city is known as a culinary tour. Various shapes of food here, from the street class restaurants (roadside mean) or "restorja" to house the elite class. Hundreds of good food that makes people addicted Jakarta, he .. he. They come again, come again, so continue weekends and holidays, particularly long. Meanwhile, the Bandung own people do not know that many locations culinary suppose that scattered across the city.

I have one class where the streets are super nice, the name "Rice Bakar", located on the edge of Senior Park, next to the Sate Building. Below the image gerobaknya that every day there mangkal from 9am. Although the class street, but the food here for those who come with a good car, good plate B or D. Trees in the leafy parks Senior create the atmosphere here feels favor, especially on a hot day.

Gerobak nasi bakar

Rice grilled or more precisely, which covers the cost of burned rice sold here is different from the other. Actually, in Bandung, which covers the cost of fuel to sell some, but that in restorja Park Senior this is the most enak.Yang make this delicious roasted rice is a savory taste (may use coconut milk or a spice what, I know less), then burned at over charcoal. Blend of spices in the rice, banana leaf aroma, and flavor that makes fuel burn rice this feels good.

Rice eaten roasted chicken with roasted also, with additional concrete corn, know, lalap, coconut serundeng, and the need sambalnya there is a spicy. According to me, fried chicken or grilled chicken where it's the same, but that makes fried chicken / fuel vary between one place to eat other food is sambalnya. Now, sambal rice fuel once it is different taste. Oh yes, if eaten in place, piringnya bamboo is a unique, but if I brought home enough with the stereoform only.

I often buy rice supplies to fuel this lunch on campus. In a trip to campus, I always go through this and Park Senior menyempatkan self-stop in just to buy a packet brought to the office. This was after I burn the rice bucket on the plate:

Nasi bakar

Well ... evoke the taste of food, is not it? The original certainly more beautiful than the picture. You are certainly far from the Bandung miss this food. If you come to Bandung, sempatkan eat there to prove easy way to do smth taste. The price is quite cheap, only Rp10.000 per portion.