Jumat, 14 November 2008

Not Ordinary Man

This is me, but the ordinary people as necessary, if there is a laugh funny, or serious when facing something important. I will be good all the same people who are also good to me. Yes ... I love looking like the enemy.

Introducing Ochi Dwinindyani name. I'm only human being. The most perfect creatures, but there are still many shortcomings. However, I think like other people, busy to mingle there to-let or the like ngebesar-besarin problems, or who strive may find friends, though can be considered to be in school. This is me, but the ordinary people as necessary, if there is a laugh funny, or serious when facing something important. I will be good all the same people who are also good to me. Yes ... I love looking like the enemy.

Hours in the empty school? May direct you yell, laughing-ketiwi, the way there, hither, this is chatted or things that are important for his other. But I think most like the same hours of the morning and empty. Chat? Lazy. Better read the novels kesayanganku. Yes, 17 high schools in this, I think, but normal human kuper-kuper very, standards, lah.

Open registration of new members said. Create you, class X and XI, the sensitive one, the list immediately!
1. Ready to mental and physical
2. Value raport semester 1 minimum 7
3. Healthy physical and spiritual
4. Responsible
For you are interested, directly fill out the form and submitted to the secretariat said.
FREE announced who received the Chairman said.
Announcement of the new mading installed in the schools of this so exciting discussion among students. There are people who ngebet effectively participate, there are cuek and I care about, there are still confused. Put-macemlah said, expression of children class X and class XI. So the desk? All are in the know-ruginya fate. Fortunately can nambah experience, nambah friends, learning organizations, and one "though famous." Ruginya, most fit exercise leadership and seabreknya tasks that must be done, meetings, el de el.

Fad I take the registration form. It also makes what I pick it up. Yah, the guesswork involved seleksilah ... but I think too ngoyo. Received gratitude, I received ... I think anything also. Formulirnyapun I-asalan original content.

Department desired: 1. head of the desk
2. --

Rather kepedean're ... but I know the likelihood is only 1% of the contents so I digress seat. Interview conducted by the class XII also said I sekenanya. But do not wrong, although I always otakku human sizable thin. Problems debate, I experts.
Today's children do people in front of mading. What I? Oh ... I almost forget it was this day is Thursday, the day diumumkannya who selected a candidate or prospective members said.

Uh, I do ngelihat it. How ngebela-belain ramming there if I make ngelihat results of the selection said, the best I received. I go straight to class, and sinking back with novels.
"Chi ... Ochi! That is what I ... from the fact that they had concealed in the classroom. I know, out there in the back, all children again easy subjects ell, "Vindy, invisible friend sebangkuku puffed out like hot ferret out.

"Hide? Who hide? Now why all the children she easy subjects. "
"Oops .. ouch! Ochi Now! That did kepilih candidates, so the chief said. Hellooow? But worry bearable heavy competition too! Yogi is the former head of the class XI said, "Vindi continue to color.

But what feels good that he say?
"But my jokes? Cute, that she does just shocked. If delays do not kidding folks!, "I'm still leery of what the Vindi say, it is like once he jokes.

"Hey ... a child! This time she seriously. Yes, if I believe it, "said Vindi, morning.
Suddenly it ngelihat a group of class X directly to the attack and the direction we menyalamiku. -What is involved? I glance toward the Vindi now laughing ketiwi quasi-wise. In fact true, I selected candidates to become head of the desk, this news makes schools across the scene and may also be confused. Something wrong ... yes, definitely wrong ... misprint ... one name ... one type .... Put this certainly a mistake. I immediately go to the desk space for the truth of this news.

"There. We never write one. We are facing you, about the interview, you ngejawab question that we ajuin with decisive arguments, reasonable, and convincing's, basically. Moreover, you have a good performance. "

"Oh yes, Chi, you only have time for 1 week campaign, too!"
Campaign? Well, it's presidential election. -I think ... I love constrained Chairman said so! I have not just fraudulent. Why do not bother does banner of reasons, leaflets or events that involved a speech. Cause dizziness.

First Day campaign. Is not that different to me in this day. One way of sinking in the novels in the classroom. At most sympathetic enjoy the support of the Yogi's busy decorating the school with photographs of Yogi. In mading, in the walls of the classroom, until in the bathroom prospective even if you can see photos of the Yogi.
Second day. As usual in the morning once I have been to the school, perhaps studious child. But ... Hey! The images are photos ngedampingin Yogi in mading. Ever! Oops, who was encouraged that the images I? Where culun up again.
"Children are encouraged," said Vindy tell.

"Basic kelasisme!"
"Hey, what did I mean?"
"I said, similar-so similar narsis okay, but the difference ... narsis than this! "
Third Day. I was surprised I fit Yogi negur after school yesterday. Oops ... he is a guy craving a school. Nice, nice, sports magnate, and others.
"You shit called Kathy, the head of the desk, in the space of teachers," said Yogi.

"Either it was so. I would like anter? "I just know that Yogi was friendly and nyenengin. Deserve a lot of girl who naksir.
"But do okay, I own up to it. Ngerepotin again later. "

Fourth Day. This Monday. As usual, the ceremony under the blazing sun, being run sweat and skin burn. Moreover, the foot so rigid that they must continue to stand. But it was what-apanya than the news recently submitted by Kathy chief said, through the voice.

"Well, friends, today there will be a campaign of the two candidates elected Chairman of the desk. Yogi and Ochi. The prospective chairman said this time will be given a maximum of five minutes for campaigning. It is like how do you, I matter more than five minutes. Okay! "
What? Campaign? But I was told, my previous monologue tonight? I'm super-duper surprised to hear this news. Taste-senselessness intimadating's suitcase.

Kulirik throng of children class XI. Yogi looks normal, quiet. Understandably he has experience. But by what? I'm only human being who I think is what a campaign speech or a meticulous.

"To Yogi Indra Kusuma immediately to the front to deliver the campaign." Yogi immediately forward with certainty and dignified, quiet all the students listen to what the word for more than five minutes. Once he finished, immediately greeted with a rousing hand. Huh! giliranku now, I do not know what will kukatakan, but I think that clearly loves fashion house Yogi.

"Ochi Dwinindyani please forward to the future." Finally, I must now go forward to the future, so all the attention and students should be campaigning, of course. I was confused. At the front end, I only said ...
"Choose me as the head of the desk in 2006!" ... With firmly, is the only kuucapkan and I go back to the lines. Bizarre bin miraculous, suddenly resounding cheers in the field, even more than that given to Yogi.

Fifth-Seventh Day. Posters posterku-start many, not only from classmates but also simpatisanku ('s rich party). Perhaps this is the impact of the campaign yesterday. Yogi photos that look of the photo-terhimpit Photos by name or Ochi ... Ochi ... and Ochi.

Election Day. Tidaaak ...! Results of the voting class X to class XII, I support the thin difference. I now head of the desk. Department of diidam-idamkan many people. But it's not for me. Oops, what I ... desperate, gawaaat ...! In otakku there is only the tasks, duties and tasks. Mimpin meeting, facing the head of school, make plans pensi, bazaar, staunch social, extra el de el. Huuu ... This ... I mean not just a normal human dooong again?

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