Jumat, 14 November 2008

Faces and the Beautiful liver

So that the face is always fresh, shining and beautiful, at least wash
5 times a day with water Wudu. Do not be dried by direct towels,
let dry and has its own. It Finally Time,
on, and berdo'a.

To eliminate the stress, perbanyaklah 'sport'. Simply
multiply prayer. When praying, given our entire body. And
berkonsultasilah in Love with dzikir and-do'a.

For moisturizer, to life, use smile. Not only in
lips but also in the liver. Do not forget bisikkan 'keywords', "Allahuma
Kamma Hassanta Khalqii Fahassin Khuluqii "(My God, as you
kejadianku has embellish, the perindah also ahlaqku). (HR Ahmad).

To have beautiful lips, bisikkan the words of God, not
lie, or offend other people, not themselves or

To keep the body slim, singset and smooth, regular diet with
FAST 2 times a week, Monday and Thursday. If stronger, better
fasting prophet David, the U.S.. Williams, vegetables,
fruit, and white water.

To develop themselves, and as a greeting. With
Therefore, we will be adding more.

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